Mad Love to our Mad King

What follows are true life tributes to a man that we all adore, for he is special to each and every one of us.  Matt, Happy Birthday Brother.  Enjoy ❤

Matt Farnsworth  Cruel Creator of The Orphan Killer photo by C & C Photography
Matt Farnsworth
Cruel Creator of The Orphan Killer
Photo by C & C Photography

 Musing on Madness

A little over a year ago, I met this man. I thought he was eye bursting beautiful, and I still do. He’s mad, off his nut, and his mind is one of the darkest I’ve encountered. While it should frighten me, and does on occasion, I find him fascinating. I could stare all day and just watch the beast behind his eyes work. Now if this seems like a love letter, there is good reason for that. It is.

Get your minds out of the gutter, it’s not like that. Yes, he is handsome, but photographs don’t tell the real story. His eyes are that blue and no camera in existence could do them justice. Nor can it portray the down to earth, and personable guy that he really is. He’s just like everyone else, except he isn’t

I admire Matt Farnsworth, truly.  His spark of madness is more a raging fire, and it bothers me, in a good way. I’m laughing out loud in the dark writing this, because in Dallas when I first had the opportunity to meet Matt and Diane Foster at Twisted Tails, he glared at me, and I deserved it, and it really did scare me. It was wonderful. I sense the smirk…..

Meeting Matt was like, to be all squishy, ew, coming home. To the family I’d known existed all along, and now knew. Okay stop laughing, I mean it! He loves his TOK Family one and all, and it shows with every post, tweet, share and retweet. His madness is immense. And I give thanks.

Creative minds are everywhere. Everyone has a spark, a creature within themselves that will devour if given the chance to escape its confines. Matt’s broke free, his madness ran amok and out of this he created a creature I happen to like. Marcus Miller, The Orphan Killer. This, my friends, is no ordinary psycho, no common HellSpawn. No, this one is mean and brutal and will make you cringe with every swing of his axe. Yeah okay I have a crush on Matt’s Monster. But I’m his Minion, so it’s allowed.

Today is a special day for the man I like to call my Dark King, and my Brother. Brother at heart, Brother in Blood, and I’d happily spill bloodsauce if it brought a smile to those cruel lips

Happy birthday Matt. From me and mine to you, I wish you a wonderfully brutal day.

Mel xo



Dark Wishes from Tortured Soul

Within the dark the light shines. It gives the power to unlock the best of the mind.   On this day the world was given a child, who would become a Dark King,  and from mind of this King, a star was born.
Hail to the King!  Long will he reign down his slashes of pure horror and gore!  May this day bring you the light and happiness from all that stand with you.
Happy birthday
Dave ts

Birthday Wishes for Matt Farnsworth

Another year has passed by

And I hope that you can see

That you’re one year closer

To your fulfilled destiny

That added to your other gifts

Of beauty, talent and charm

Creates an aura of envy to those

Who would give their right arm

To live their lives like you

Babes throw themselves at your feet

Or at other parts of your body

Hoping like hell to share your heat

I need shades just to look at you

Your light is blindingly bright

Your passion burns hot and deep

With a power to set the world alight

And you will with this next movie

When it’s all been said and done

Because we, your fans, know TOK

Is killer in more ways than one

So if you ever need more talent

As an actress I’m a slouch

But this promise I could make you

I’d rock your casting couch 😉


Happy Birthday Matt with much love and respect from Cat Hennebury


Who would have known that Social Media would impact my life in such a way? Not me. About 10 months ago I logged onto Twitter and there they were, the most beautiful set of eyes I had ever seen. Piercing blue pools that captured my heart. Now thanks to them I have the most wonderful family, yes family, and it all started with those eyes….

Eyes as blue as the ocean

A smile that will melt your heart

A genuine caring soul

I was hooked from the start

Sometimes covered in blood

Usually wearing no clothes

Just exactly how he found me

Is something only he knows

See that’s how this all started

On that cold dreary day

A flame was sparked

When I was invited to the slay

Slowly I become addicted

To the madness inside

My love for him grows

Into a beast I can not hide

Some may call him Brother

But I will tell you something

This kind and wonderful man

Will always be my Dark King

Happy Birthday my King, may there many more. To you I am eternally grateful. You have given so much to me, I will never be able to repay. I hope your day is filled with the love you so richly deserve! Happiest of birthdays Matt, forever and always, Diana, aka Madness Addict


An Artist Stands..A Birthday Letter To My King

He stands…Tall..Proud, his essence flows around him. The world sees him. Mesmerizing blue eyes. The kind you do get lost in. Handsome face, no wait, I take that back,  devastatingly handsome face. Wicked smile, the kind you know loves mischief and is all about that every day. The madness, oh yes the madness,  it circles him, engulfs him, cascades all around him like a turbulent waterfall.
This man stands. Women adore him, love him, dream and write stories about being with him. Men adore him, love him and yes want to be with him also.  I see this yes but I also see something else in every picture of those beautiful baby blues. I see a man whose talent, intellect, and heart drove him to be where he is today.

He has a poet’s heart, moving, caring, understanding and the way he treats his fans proves this 100%.  He has a painters eye, one can only look at his artwork and see the depth of his talent and the passion of his mind. His artwork stirs something inside. Gaze upon his creations and you are swept away by beauty and heart.
When I first laid eyes on him, which will be a year this coming Sept. 16, I thought I saw an angel for the first time.  When I followed him and in seconds he followed me back and said Hello…well, I was lost… I was his…That. Is. All. *giggles*. Okay I was wrong about the angel part!!!

Then as the months past and I could see how he treated me and his fans with love , caring and respect. I was in awe, no other celebrity shows that much attention to his fans. Then I watched TOK for the first time. The sheer pleasure I got from watching this I can never put into words. The fear I felt for Marcus, the love I felt for Audrey was something I couldn’t understand at the time. I understand now, I was in Horror Lust and the sheet talent and madness of this man showed through onto celluloid like a raging bull in a China shop.

So yes….I’m lost in those baby blues, I’m in awe of his talent and mind, and yes I love my Brother. My heart fills with love, respect and gratitude when I think of Matt Farnsworth and Diane Foster and the whole TOK Family. My family accepts me, loves me, understands me. You have given my weird heart a home where I can be me and never be told to stop being weird.

Matt,  I just want to say thank you for accepting me, for all the love you show me and us fans. For taking time out of your busy day to talk to us. I want you to know you are amazing and as a fan I will always be there to support and give you as much love and encouragement that my heart can hold.


My love always


My dearest, most BRUTAL brother,

   It has been nearly a year to the day, August 31st, since you followed me on twitter. The moment I saw you, I was forever lost in those baby blue pools of MADNESS of yours. I have been stuck there since, and “prey” to never be found. You came to me during one of the lowest points in my life, lifted me up, gave me a family that I can truly, cruelly, count on. You gave me peace, and hope. Through the madness you possess, and convey, you have shown me the person I am meant to be, and have led me to the love I was meant to have, the family I deserve. The love, loyalty, attention, respect, and affection that you, and our Queen, show to your fans is like no other. Like nothing I ever expected. I thank you, my Dark One, for every moment that your follow on twitter, (only my sixth lol), has given me. All the love, support, encouragement, MADNESS, and BLOODY BRUTALITY you have brought into my life. You, Diane, David, Officer Hunt, Audrey, Marcus, Esper, Donna, Nicky. You have each impacted and changed my life, my world, in the cruelest, most brutiful ways.

Happy Brutal Birthday my forever Dark King, my Best, most BADASS Brother. All my cruelest love and bloodiest kisses to you always!! ❤❤



1 year ago this month I was introduced to the greatness that is our #DarkKing. First thing for me was those piercing eyes. They take hold & don’t let go….draw you in. Then you realize what a creative genius he really is. Absolutely brilliant. That’s what keeps you hooked.  Here’s wishing you the cruelest & most brutal of birthdays my #DarkKing!! Much love!! Amber (@peacham21)


It was a very dark time for me. I was fighting many battles and felt as if I was drowning in an endless sea of despair. Abandoned by some I had come to trust…I felt alone and lost when one night I opened up my computer and there he was, staring at me with eyes of blue infinity that pierced through my soul. A bewitching smile that barely contained the madness I could sense behind it and in time I embraced fully. A heart so large and full of love for all those that follow him. How could I resist this? He saved me that night and many times since…I know he has done the same for many others. His amazing warmth & friendship breathed new life into me…I found a new sense of purpose and a new family to call Mine. It has been a year since that fateful night and my life has been forever changed. What the future holds I cannot say but I do know this… I will always be his Princess and he my Dark King. Happy birthday Matt and let there be many many more to come ❤ ❤

Caro xo  ❤the_twisted_path_group_matt_farnsworth

Celebrating Madness


I’ve been trying to find the right words for the last few days. You know which ones I mean. The words that tell my Dark King, my friend, my brother, just what he means to me and how happy I am to have him in my life. The words to tell him Happy Birthday without having it seem, I don’t know, trite. There will be many people sending him wishes for a happy day, telling him they love him, and how happy they are to know him. And while all of that is valid and I do wish him the happiest of days, and I am blessed to have him in my life, and I do love him more than he knows…. It all seems lacking somehow.

So, how do I tell him that when he puts up his “madness” pictures that I would be ever so willing to go help him in his mischief? Or that when he gives us a photo where he looks annoyed, stern, or even a little pissed that I want to either hide or beat up whoever it is that put that look on his face. Mostly though it’s those smirks and smiles that I can’t explain properly. You see, even when I’m hurting, or sad I can look at one of them and it’s like I can feel him hugging or teasing me. Somehow everything seems to just settle down, and even if he can’t feel me hugging him back, in my mind I am.

So how do I tell him all that he means to me? How thankful I am to his parents for bringing him into this world, and raising him to be the man he is? How much I appreciate everything he does, and for allowing me into his world? I just can’t find the words to say it all. So I guess I’ll simply say;

Happy Birthday my Brother

I love you, I miss you, and thank you

from the bottom of my black little heart.

 Siara ❤



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The Orphan Killer 2 Bound x Blood Currently in Production
The Orphan Killer 2
Bound x Blood
Currently in Production

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