Aphotic by Eveline Hood

The night grew deeper  without so much as a whimper, not even the gradual darkening of the day took place, as was the norm on those exceptionally long Winter nights. Outside the cheery voices of partygoers, revelling in the holiday atmosphere, rang out, startling her from her daydream.  Fetching a sigh, she slipped out of the business attire she’d  been dying to rip off since she’d put them on this morning, and stood in front of the full length mirror. Her critical eye looking over her reflection, already hearing the indignant tones of her loved ones In Her head as she let her gaze stare back myself. Not bad, She mused,  twisting back and forth, “My tits are better than the chicks in that movie anyway.  That stands for something.”  She laughed out loud as her phone chirped some electronic noise. A text, probably work, and out of habit reached for it and her freshly poured glass of Carnivor,  thumb moving deftly over the touch screen.

“You look beautiful, ”

A shiver ran down her spine. trembling her bones like some personal earthquake.  A text. Probably random and yet she feels frightened, and stood still bare to scan the odd shadows that filled her backyard.  Nothing. She glanced down at the strong vibration, her phone, and was jolted by now too loud chirp of another text, and the shocking photo that accompanied it.

“It’s me,”  she said aloud, trying to deny it and knowing it was true.  The scars on her body refuted any further clamour.  They stood out, rough lines and shadows along her ribs and breasts; evidence of the last time he found her. Her own eyes stared directly into the lens of whomever sent the photo, lips slightly open and shining in the moonlight. She was pretty and petrified.

Five years had passed since She had awoken in  the hospital, machines beeping in the small astringent place, tearing at the tubes that were forcing air into her lungs and suffocating her in the process. Hands held her down and she fought, fought for her life, convinced she was about to die. She didn’t die then, though she’d  wished for it often enough. No, instead she filled her lungs with the medicinal smelling air as though it were the sweetest water after wandering the desert. And wept, as she did now, helpless and angry, she yanked the curtains closed and hung her head. Eviline HoodThe note was on the floor, a gleaming rectangle against the dark red floorboards. It caught her eye the moment she burst through the door in a gust of rain, leaves and bitter days.  Days like today grated on her last nerve, the sounds of alone too much to bear and so it drove her from her home before they drove her from her mind.

She staggered against the wall, sighing as she shifted the many bags she carried.  Retail therapy helped ease the ache and provided her lingerie drawer more lace she’d never have occasion to wear.  It was really too bad, she thought,  running the black cherry lace through her fingers, this one was pretty

The envelope drew her attention once again as she slipped through the shadows in the hallway, bending, she snatched it up from the floor.  The paper was thick and was slightly scented  Lemon and something darker.  Something that immediately made her body react. A fearful flush.   Inside, simply an address, an instruction and a signature that made her gasp.  Drifting back down the hall, she debated as she inhaled  the fading fragrance from the note, knowing she couldn’t resist.

Eviline Hood

The drive was long and the sun was beginning to set as she turned into the tree-lined secondary road her GPS so annoyingly demanded her to. She shivered slightly, the lace panties she wore pushing against her slit as she fidgeted in her seat trying to relieve the pressure building in her lower regions. The thought of hands on her skin was causing her breath to come quicker and she swerved slightly as a hot wave of desire swept over her.  The fingers of her left hand slipped along the side of the underwater, brushing first, then rubbing gently on her clit, heightening her need the further she drove into nowhere. The constant stoking of her fingertips against the tender skin had her panting, the much necessary orgasm close, and she heard her own voice cry out as a shadow darted in front of her headlights, the sound turning to a scream of fear as she came,

Still panting, her heel on the brake as she let her legs lay spread out she glanced out into the deepening dusk, searching for whatever had just brought her the most intense release she’d had in a while. Each window showed the same, more of the creeping darkness and little else. She sat straight and placed the vehicle in park, before turning onto her knees with her ass resting on the armrest to stare out the rear window, and cursed herself when she let out a small squeak.  Some animal was sitting just beyond the red line of light from her car, golden eyes that glared hungrily back at her. “I’m not food, beast, move on,” she said under her breath, signing as she slid back to her seat  This time she did scream, loud and long, Beast. A Monster. Human. No.

It moved like a feral cat, wildcat. Sleek like a panther, slithered like smoke,  running it’s….his long fingered hand along the hood of her car, his eyes eating her alive.  Mind clamouring, she pushed back against the front bench seat, her lace panties showing. She quivered, as he approached her window and stared intently at her barely covered opening, licking his…it’s…lips.

Her door opened with a mighty creak, nearly wrenched off its hinges.  He smelled of burnt cinnamon and anise, the odd combination invading her mind as he slid behind the wheel, a curious smile touching his eyes. She wanted to scream, but her chest had kicked up and there was no air, so she simply stared, wide-eyed and frightened.

“I knew you’d come.  Shall we continue this at the house?”

Stunned, she could do little more than nod, and he put the car in drive, negotiating the vehicle over the next rise, revealing an incredible home nestled in the trees.  Each window was ablaze in light, and it shined like a lighthouse in the deepening dark.  She could see every room, each tastefully appointed and decorated with deplorable floral patterns that made her cringe.  Shadows glittered here and there, drapes twitched and she sensed the curious gazes of whatever else awaited her.  She was about to ask him, when his hand brushed the curls from her shoulder, the chill of his flesh making her shiver, and she turned to him, expecting a smile, and finding one, faltered.  “Wait here.” He was gone in a blink, and at her door the next, pulling her to from her seat to her feet and through the ornate front door.

 Eveline Hood



The Orphan Killer 2 Bound x Blood Created by Matt Farnsworth ©™ Full Fathom 5 Productions LLC
The Orphan Killer 2
Bound x Blood
Created by Matt Farnsworth
©™ Full Fathom 5 Productions LLC
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“The characters Marcus Miller, and Babysister are owned by  Matt Farnsworth”
©™ Full Fathom 5 Productions LLC
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